Electronic Business Card creator


Status message

The previous vCard has been cleared. Please fill out the form below to create another downloadable vCard. Thank you.
Create your own Virtual Business Card. A vCard (or .vcf file) is the standard file format for electronic business cards. vCard/.vcf files are recognized by contact and email programs like Microsoft Outlook. Embed your vCard (Electronic Business card) in your website, in a QRcode, email it or even send it over a cell phone. How do I how to make .vcf file?: Create your own free vCard by filling out the form then copy, embed or get a QRcode.

Fill out the following form to create your own vCard in multiple formats.

first *
last *
URL in the form: http://bvCard.com
phone # in the form: 123-123-1234
fax # in the form: 123-123-1234
Clear current vCard


{{prefix}} {{first_name}} {{middle_initial}} {{last_name}}, {{suffix}}
Voice: {{phone}}
Fax: {{fax}}
{{street}}, {{street_additional}}
{{city}}, {{state}}   {{zip}}